Welcome to the VITALISE Project's
Virtual Access Application Toolkit!

VITALISE Project provides effective and convenient Access to the research datasets that were selected during the project's Joint Research Activities, as well as to the ICT tools and e-infrastructures that will support access, curation and analysis of this data. You may use this toolkit to submit your application to request access to our data.

Encounter any issues with the Registration process? Don't hesitate to reach out to us via email for prompt assistance.

step Step 1: Affiliation Information

Please provide all the necessary information about your affiliation. This includes your organization or institution name, position/title, and any relevant contact details. If you're registering only yourself, select "1" from the "Number of applicants in Research Team" dropdown menu. If you're registering a team, you can register yourself if you are the Group Leader and up to 4 additional team members.

step Step 3: Eligibility Criteria Check

Before proceeding to the next step, please ensure that you are compliant and have checked all the necessary Eligibility Criteria checkboxes.

I work in an institution established in a Member State of the European Union or in a state associated to the H2020 Programme*
Not sure? Check the List of countries eligible for funding in this link.
At least 80% of my research team members works in a Member State of the European Union or in a state associated to the H2020 Programme*
Neither me nor any of my team members have Russian or Belarusian origin?*
I am willing to comply with the obligation to disseminate the results, acknowledging the source of the data*
For more information regarding the valorisation procedure, please advise Paragraph 8 of the Application Manual.
The User Group Leader/Supervisor holds an academic title of at least Master Degree level*
If my research team also includes undergraduate/bachelor students, the leading applicant is a professor or postdoc affiliated to a University or Research Centre.*
step Step 4: Project Description
In this section, please briefly describe the research and purpose for which you will be using the datasets.

How long do you need access to the VITALISE datasets for?*
Please enter the number of days you need to access the data.

I declare that I will adequately disclose any use of VITALISE datasets in any resulting scientific publication.*

Application Overview and Final Submission

step Step 5: Password Setup

If you are registering more than one team member in this registration completion, please note that the password filled in this step will be the same for all registered team members.

step Step 6: Review and Submission

Once you're satisfied and have checked all the compliance boxes, click the "Submit" button to complete your registration.

* I hereby confirm that the information provided in this application are complete and correct and I want to proceed with the final submission of my application.
* I undertake that I will not carry out any activity aimed at the re-identification of the data being processed in the performance of the tasks covered by this user agreement terms of use
* I understand that my personal data will be processed in accordance with the GDPR regulations for the purpose of user registration and account management. I consent to the collection, storage, and processing of my personal information as described in the Privacy Policy. I also understand that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time by contacting VITALISE Helpdesk via email.
Encounter any issues with the Registration process? Don't hesitate to reach out to us via email for prompt assistance.